Solving Climate Change

Soil sequestration

True Carbon is the gateway to carbon sequestration opportunities. We connect businesses with real opportunities.

Capturing carbon through certain agricultural practices is the most readily available scenario for negative emissions. Regenerative land practices have the capacity to rapidly reduce carbon from the atmosphere.

The carbon currently warming the atmosphere once came from under the ground and it can go back. Carbon farming, or regenerative agricultural practices, create conditions for soil to act as a carbon sink. True Carbon aims to measure how carbon is stored in soil when a farm is utilizing these practices

Current soil sequestration practices are not widespread enough to use it to get to negative emissions on a global scale and no genuine measurement of carbon capture is taking place.

Certificates for this kind of carbon sequestration are based on estimates. There’s a growing awareness among consumers that carbon certificates don’t necessarily mean climate change is being helped. This creates a trust problem for businesses trying to act in good faith to reduce emissions.

True Carbon tracks the carbon cycle in sample soil over time revealing authentic sequestration practices, legitimizing a company’s impact on climate change. The use of real data demonstrates to consumers that carbon sequestration works as a reliable way to create a negative emissions’ reality.

Carbon soil sequestration has high profitability for two key reasons. The market size potential is worldwide, and the need is rapidly increasing.

Quote: “Physical verification was literally the only route. To create tangibility, between people who are purchasing these products. And people who are trying to create that supply.”

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